Friday, August 8, 2014


Its hard to act as if its not bothering you. As if nothing as ever happen because it did, it has and it is. I honestly don't know how many people truly feel. You may said that you are  leaving it all alone, that you are going to move on. But you need to know the truth. You want the truth and you deserve it. You have been thru too much to just allow this to happen to you. 

I know many people go thru things in life and hide behind close doors so no one can see them, well that's not me. I want the world to know what I'm going thru. Someone might be going thru the same thing and not even know it. I write because this is the safest place for me to express my hurt, pain, happiness, to tell someone else story when they cant and so forth. Many people live life as if pain doesn't exist or as if its normal and it isn't. Joy is normal. To feel loved, wanted and happy is normal. Not many people know what that feeling is so they don't know how to give it.

People beat themselves up time after time thinking that they are in the wrong when in all actually they are not.

I want you to repeat these words.
  • I am only judge by My father Jesus.
  • I am only Human so I make mistakes
  • I may not be perfect but I'm a working progress.
  • I love me enough to not sit there and watch myself continuously get hurt.
Sometimes we forget that we are special that we mean so much more than what people perceive us to be. I know I'm far from perfect and I make mistakes but I'm only human. Its part of life and rebuilding yourself from the bottom to the top.